
Snoop Dogg will PIMP YO SITE!!!

If you go to THIS SITE and enter in any web address Snoop Dogg will translate the site for you to make it mo' rizzle fo' shizzle. I put my site in and this is what the prayer I posted a while ago from Thomas Merton ended up looking like:

"My Lord Dogg, I has no idea where I am going n' shit. I do not see da road ahead of me, Nor do I really know myself, 'n da fact that I think I am following yo' will does not mean that I am actually doing so n' shit. But I believe that da desire please yo' ass does in fact please yo' ass, know what I'm sayin'? And I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire." And I know that if I do this, yo' ass will lead me by da right road though I may know nothing 'bout that shiznit." Therefore will I trust yo' ass always, though I may seem to be lost 'n in da shadow of death n' shit. I will not fear, fo' yo' ass are ever wit me, 'n yo' ass will never leave me to face my struggles alone." Thomas Merton, 1915-1968, Monk/Poet


Anonymous said...

I can see that being an honest heartfelt prayer more in that language than I could from King James.

jimi said...

It's especially fun to see what it does with scripture...but maybe that's just me.

lee said...

that's the shiznit yo!